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  • Private Livestreams with Nathan Davis Jr. personally
  • A simple trick that allows you to overcome Facebook's new algorithm - so you can greatly improve your social media reach...
  • The fastest way to grow your fanbase so you don't have to rely on the same friends, fans, and family coming to your shows - just use our "fan funnel system"
  • An exact copy of our step-by-step blueprint for you to start booking shows in new cities successfully
  • ​Tons more but running out of room here :-)
The BellRays
Punk Rock Soul
Blues is the teacher. Punk is the Preacher. It’s all about emotion and energy! Experience and raw talent, spirit and intellect. Exciting things happen when these things collide!

Bob Vennum and Lisa Kekaula made The BellRays happen in 1990 in Riverside, California but they weren’t really thinking about any of this then.

 We want to play music and we want it to feel good! We want people to WANT to get up, NEED to get up and check out what we're doing! Form an opinion. React.

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